Add a Pinterest button to the WP e-Commerce Facebook & Twitter buttons, no...
I was asked “Is there a way to have a Pinterest button in the same location as the built in Facebook and Twitter buttons that come with WP e-Commerce. I can use a plugin but I want it to sit with the...
View ArticleWP e-Commerce, make $0.00 items show “Please request a quote” message
The question Is there an option to hide the prices (as it doesn’t really apply) on some products? or is there a way to use this solution:...
View ArticleWP e-Commerce my site is slow, it’s your host folks!
My site is really slow what can I do? I spend a lot of time talking to people who complain that their WP e-Commerce site is running awfully slow. They use plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total...
View ArticleBuild a better WP e-Commerce user registration experience
The problem If you want users to be able to register on your site in WP e-Commerce you need to set Settings/Store/Checkout tab “Users must register before checking out:” to YES. This has some...
View ArticleWP_Query how to display posts from a specific Category
I received a question about how to display posts from a specific category. You may want to do this in a newspaper style layout or just to show a featured category on your homepage. You need to use...
View ArticleWordPress From 10,000 ft.
How does it work? It is surprising how long many people have worked with WordPress without really having a basic understanding of how it actually works under the hood. The goal of this post is to...
View ArticleAdd a wrapper div to Woocommerce Single Product page without editing plugin...
The problem I was re-arranging the items on my themes Woocommerce Single Product page. See the info panel at the end of this post for more on that. I realized that the various sections with...
View ArticleChanging URL’s in your database after migrating a WordPress site
The problem After you migrate a site to a new location or use WordPress Export/Import to import some posts to a site the URL’s of files such as images still point to the original site. After migration...
View ArticleCSS for using small caps, text figures etc. font-feature-settings
Credit This is not so much an article as a handy store of this information for myself. There are specific situations where small caps and text figures are appropriate. For a discussion of that see this...
View ArticleReturning Arrays in PHP, a simple example
This one is just a little post for myself really. It may be handy for someone else. WordPress will often store data in Array in PHP. When you go to return something back by name you just get the result...
View ArticleUse IFTTT to automatically post a WordPress post to Pinterest
IFTTT is the fast smart way to connect apps. Do you write WordPress posts then write the same thing on Facebook then pin an image to Pinterest. Well IFTTT could save you a lot of work. Don’t bother...
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